Saturday, 23 July 2016

The Art of Letting Go...

Achieving something requires true grit. Holding on to something requires courage and motivation. But letting go of something or someone you hold dear is perhaps the hardest of them. In the race called life, we are busy acquiring things and achieving the impossible. But in this mad race we do not learn how to let go. We hold on to something that belongs to us till the last breath. But certain things are best left to go. Else it might cause you more harm than good. It can be a relationship, memories of a dead someone or even a dream.
Recently in the audition of the reality TV show Roadies, one contestant appeared for the auditions. You will not believe this but he was auditioning for the 10th year in a row. Right from the first season till the latest season. He kept trying and trying. Even this time he didn’t get selected for the finals. When the makers of the show heard his story they had nothing but respect for him but they just couldn’t select him. What he failed to realize was that he just didn’t have it in him to be a 'Roadie'. But still he couldn’t let go of his unfulfilled dream. When the hosts made him realize this and asked him to let go, he cried like a baby.
How many of us have gone through a similar experience? It might be that first love which didn’t end well but the heart is not ready to let go of him/her. It could be the memories of a dear one who you loved beyond words but is no more. It could be that one elusive dream which you tried with all your might but still remains unfulfilled. You need to realize, its time to let go.
It's like an albatross around your neck. The more you hold on to it the heavier it gets and the more difficult it becomes to lose it. You don't need to live each day of your life in suffocation. Life would be simpler and merrier without that excess baggage.
Let go of that one thing that you do not need. Live your life peacefully.
Folks it's time to LET GO! 

1 comment:

  1. Well said Saffin.
    Letting go is very important but also very hard.
